Saturday, August 7, 2010

My Friend, Bruno

Thursday was Bruno's annual veterinary exam. The vet found a large, scary growth in the back of his throat. He called in the other vets to have a look, and no one had ever seen anything quite like it. They were wondering who among them had the balls to do the surgery, or if surgery was even posible. A needle biopsy was taken and bloodwork, and we've been waiting to hear the results.

Dr. McCoy, our vet, called this evening. He stayed late to get the biopsy report I think. The news is very bad. Bruno has a squamous cell carcinoma in the back of his mouth, firmly attached to his soft palate. All we can do is make him happy and obey his every command until he can't eat any more. In other words, just carry on like normal... Better to know than not. And at least Bruno won't have to put up with surgery. I don't know how long this will take, but we'll give him the best end of life that we can. And I'm not going to miss him until he's gone.


anita said...

I wish I had something comforting to offer . . . but I think you're right. Don't miss him while he's still here. Enjoy every minute of his company. And know that you're giving him the best life you can, and he's loved. (Cats know, whether they act like it or not.)

Marlene Brady said...

So sorry to hear about Bruno. He is so loved and in good hands. -Marlene

Lois2037 said...

Thank you both, anita and Its All About Creating. Bruno continues to do well, and I'm grateful for every day he's with us.

Robin said...

This cancer among our animal friends is so very sad. I just lost my favorite dog in the whole world (belonging to a neighbor) to cancer. He had the surgery (leg amputation), but didn't bounce back and died about 3 weeks after the surgery. I'm a cat person and know how sad it is when a feline friend departs this world. However, you are wise to make the good times roll while Bruno still hangs in there. Hugs, Robin A