Sunday, December 20, 2009

Matilda, R.I.P.

Matilda_1_ 12-19-09
This is the last picture of Matilda, taken yesterday.

We said "Farewell" to our beautiful old cat, Matilda yesterday afternoon. She was, as close as we could tell, at least 20 years old, and maybe 21. She was with us for almost 10 of those years, and quite the tyrannical dictator she was! Now we don't know what to do, without her telling us. At the end, she weighed less than 3 lbs, and was clearly ready to go. It feels like she's still here, and I'm looking for her in her favorite places around the house. I had trained myself to adhere to her medication and fluids schedule, and it will be awhile before I stop thinking, "Oh, it's 11 -- time for the white pill. It's 9 -- time for the pink pill." She was a wonderful friend. May she journey well.


Robin said...

Oh, dear Lois, I know this feeling so well... sometimes, even after several years and new kitties in our life, I still find myself looking in a favorite place for one long gone. Matilda is a lovely name for a cat... my eyes are aching to cry right now... missing all the beautiful cats in my life.... Thanks for bringing them back to me with this post.

Love, Robin

Lois2037 said...

When I first met her, she was loudly threatening me in the back yard, wanting food. I actually thought there was a bobcat or lynx behind me and was terrified, but I turned around slowly and there was this little black and white cat. I said, "What's going on, Matilda?" without even thinking about it. We cry over our lost friends, but they are very sweet tears, I think.